Thursday, February 11, 2010

This Day in History (Again)...

February 11, 1978! BIG day in our family. Ten years ago today, Kellie and I stood before God and man and exchanged our wedding vows, entering into Holy Matrimony. Aside from receiving salvation, it was the best day of my entire life! I love Kellie more today than I did then because our love HAS been tried by fire! It's easy to love somebody when everything's going sunshine and roses; but when you can still love somebody and receive love from somebody through the BAD times, then you know that love is true and WILL last forever!

And as if that wasn't enough to celebrate on February 11th, it's ALSO mine and Kellie's birthdays! Yes, you read it right! Kellie and I share the same birthday AND we married that day! I was born February 11, 1978; and Kellie was born February 11, 1981. Unique? Yeah, I guess so!

Also, this day in history, my dad's brother, Alton Wayne Byrd, was born in 1940; and my first cousin, Clinton Wayne Knight (yes, named for our uncle Wayne, who was killed in a motorcycle wreck in 1957), was born in 1958.

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