Sunday, December 28, 2008


I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! This is our first Christmas without Kellie's dad, so it was naturally a bittersweet time for us. It's been a long time since I've posted anything to my Blog; and what I have to show you today is not my work, but work of another area artist. We commissioned him to draw a portrait of Alvie (my father-in-law) to give to my mother-in-law for Christmas.

The artist, Bro. Wayne Williams, is what I would call extraordinarily talented! Not only for the beautiful work he does; but also for the incredibly humble man he is.

Bro. Wayne has been disabled in his body for many years; but his spirit and his talent is as "able" as it ever has been.

He and his wife, Sis. Gail, live on Lookout Mountain in Georgia and have been friends of ours and our family for a long time. I was fortunate enough to be able to capture a few shots of Bro. Wayne as he added some final details to Alvie's portrait.

The finished product is breathtaking; and of course, Vicky, my mother-in-law, loves it. It will have a very special place above Alvie's piano.